Honey Bunny!
10 month old female pomeranian papillon mix!
This sweet little ball of fluff is our Honey Bunny <3 Honey came to us when her family was no longer able to continue to care for her. Since joining us, Honey has been nothing but fun, happy, and playful!
In our care, Honey has gotten along well with other dogs and cats! She is currently besties with the 80lb and 25lb dogs in her foster home <3 Honey has been caught snuggling up with them after a long day of play! She has been polite with her kitty friends and has left them be. Honey is an active and energetic ball of fluff. She is always ready to go and would love to have a playmate in her furever home or a job to keep her occupied!
Even at 10 months, Honey is still a youngin’ and she is working on her manners and skills! She is mostly potty trained but will need continued guidance and support from her family to stay on top of this and help solidify what she knows! Honey would benefit from an obedience course to teach her the basics and help create a strong bond and develop communication skills with her new family.
Honey is an extremely affectionate pup! She loves her people and is eager to please! She has already won over many hearts and is excited to steal her new human’s hearts <3 Overall, Honey is a really good girl with lots of love and energy to share! Honey would love to find a home with time to put into her training and obedience, lots of space on the couch for snuggles, and unlimited love!